The Action is on the Front Lines

Here is a mini- report from our week long street evangelism outreach here in the San Francisco Bay Area. It was an action packed week as about 30 believers worked together for 9 days to publicly preach the Gospel, read the Bible out loud in public, distribute Gospel literature and speak to people one on one about the Good News.


As Barry proclaimed the Word of God out loud, Jessi and I prayed and listened for who was responding. This man made a comment as we passed by. Soon we were engaged in a conversation with this man who was steeped in New Age doctrine, yet open to hearing the Truth of the Bible. The Word of God came against the spiritual strongholds as Hope and Truth were poured out to him.


This was the scene seconds before a big angry man came and shut us down. Frank was humbly, lovingly and boldly preaching the Gospel when a man reacted spiritually to the Word of God and flew into a rage of hate against the Lord and His people. God let us experience, live and in color, Matt.10:16 & 22 as the man screamed out every curse he could think of against us. I was encouraged by Frank’s loving and humble response. This event was a gift from the Lord; He was teaching us to be sheep before the shearers and lambs among wolves, as He poured out strength and courage to us by His Spirit.

DSC01539Elieso said he had never read the Bible or heard the Gospel. When we handed him this Bible, he stood there reading it for half an hour while the preaching continued.


Denis was visiting from Brazil. Though his first language is Portuguese, we were able to have a good conversation in English. He was drawn to come over when he heard the band play a worship song he recognized. He had a “church tradition” background, but never heard the Gospel. He very much desired to hear the entire Gospel and said he would read the Bible in his language when he got home.

Lindsay was doing a video interview for her high school Art class when I met her in Berkeley. In God’s providence, all herDSC01564 interview questions about “Art” could be answered with testimony about God the Creator, Who created everything that humans portray when we make our own “art”. She asked me what my favorite kind of art is and I answered poetry because I like creatively arranged words. So I was able to share the Gospel with her (and her class) right on videotape concerning the Word Who became flesh and dwelt among us. I spoke of how God revealed Himself to us through Creation, through the Scriptures, and in Jesus. I gave her a copy of the Gospel in poetry form. A few days later I bumped into her again and was able to get this picture with her.


Witnessing on the bus! We began our conversation at the bus stop and continued on the long bus ride. She went home from work with the Gospel in her backpack.



These sweet girls were out witnessing with their church! Jessi and I let them practice on us, then we had a mini discipleship session while helping them discern and know the difference between the
true Gospel message, and the clichés that are commonly used in modern evangelism.

Sky preached and witnessed to many people.
Sky preached and witnessed to many people.

At the park, there was a dozen guys from several Central and South American countries sitting on the grass. I sat down with them and just started a conversation, at first in my limited Spanish. Finding out there were at least half of them who understood English, I just started talking with them about God, my testimony, and the Gospel. The amazing thing is that there were about two of them who were really listening intently and asking questions. They received Gospel tracts and Bibles in their language. Right when I was finished speaking of Christ to them, another group of men came and invited them to a game of soccer. One stayed behind to read his Spanish Gospel tract.


If you are preaching the Gospel, witnessing, distributing the Word of God, teaching others the Bible, discipling others to follow Jesus or training believers to do any of these things, you are on the front lines. This is where the action is. This is where things are happening in the supernatural realm. This is where God is working in the lives of people, through His Word, by His Spirit. Don’t just hang back in the pews; get in on the action!

4 thoughts on “The Action is on the Front Lines

  1. Good morning. Thank you for an encouraging report. It’s amazing how so many today (even saints) seek out a plethura of ten-step programs to address the ills of society. Yet it is in the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ that the Lord moves upon hearts and transforms lives. If any man be in Christ, he is truly a new creature.

    Your reports are always a blessing, however they also bring sadness. Sadness that so few churches are out in the streets. I cannot get anyone in my church to go out. Amazingly, a friend of mine named Craig (in my posts I refer to him as CR) was born again in November of 2007 and he does go out. It’s as though the Lord answered my prayer for someone to accompany me by saving one and bringing him along quickly.

    Thanks again for a good report. I must find time to stop by here more often. Blessings always in Jesus name.


  2. Pingback: freespirit « Grace County

  3. hi Timbob. Right now I feel bad that I’m not being a very faithful “internet friend” because I really don’t have the time to read everyone else’s blogs. God has given me certain things to focus on right now and I’m trying to do what He wants me to do. I hope to eventually be able to read others’ posts more, as well.

    Yes I could not agree with you more about the main thing being the Gospel proclaimed and churches focusing on Human success (numbers and improved/happier lives) rather than redemption, justification and sanctification. But I believe, and I will address this in an upcoming post, that the Lord is bringing a revival back to the main thing: regeneration thru the TRUE Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Don’t be sad about the low numbers of churches that are not out on the streets. Remember God is not about numbers but about faithfulness and obedience. Many churches are filled with unregenerate people who are doing something else- communitarianism and Humanistic man centered success n life or they are doing other unbiblical things, such as trying to bring in the “Kingdom Now” in a militaristic, cultural and political sense (scary) with fake signs and wonders, without actually preaching the Gospel.

    There are churches that are Biblical where the Truth is being preached, where there are real believers. We need to pray for these that God will lead and empower them by His Spirit to reach the lost sheep and give glory to Christ by preaching the Truth in public, even if it is rejected.

    Just so you know, this outreach was not my church. This was a gathering of folks from all over CA and probably other states. Once I got one man from my church to go out with me for an outreach. I’m thankful for that. At this outreach, from my church it was me and one other woman, my friend Jessi. I’m hoping to help those in my church become equipped and motivated to witness Biblically in their personal lives through 1 on 1 conversations, even if they do not help with group street evangelism outreaches. I would be so excited if they just understood what the Gospel is, and that God is sending them personally, to tell people.

    God is raising up people right now to be used in His service for this time to bring the True Gospel to His lost sheep. He is faithful and will victoriously succeed in everything He wills to do, and Christ will be glorified in His saints, and in those who will receive judgment. We just have to keep doing what the Lord has called us to do, and ask Him for help to be faithful and obedient. Someday we will all rejoice in what He has done as we worship Him forever.


  4. May the Lord continue to bless you and all your team members in the ever so unpopular, yet, ever so needed work of seeking and saving the lost.

    Thanks for the encouraging report, Loretta. Great to know what’s going on in Kingdom building in another part of the continent. God is SO good!

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